In today's time, brands face intense competition for customer loyalty and must think strategically when considering ways to retain it. Loyalty programs have emerged as a popular solution for businesses to retain and connect with their customer base while driving sales. Loyalty program members tend to generate 12-18% more annual revenues compared to non-members of loyalty programs. Many successful companies today seek ways to optimize Loyalty App Development and reduce operating expenses. Adopting digital solutions and an "anticipatory digital-first attitude is often highly advantageous when this occurs.

Are you starting a loyalty program? Congratulations on taking the leap and creating one! Your mind is reeling with ideas to improve every facet of user experience, from rewards to gaming. However, the main question arises: What are the overall costs of developing a loyalty program? Every loyalty plan varies widely in terms of the costs involved. It is possible to start small but still develop something with lasting benefits without substantial upfront investments.

This article will investigate how much it costs to launch a loyalty program.

Costs Of Developing Loyalty Programs

The cost of developing a loyalty program will be determined by various variables. Costs for initial setup can range from as little as $100 to $40,000. Different factors affect the cost in multiple ways. Below are a few of them:

Types Of Loyalty Program

Different kinds of loyalty plans have different prices. Costs for creating, operating, managing, and running an incentive program based on stamps can begin at $100, and ongoing maintenance expenses of a custom loyalty program could reach thousands (even millions) of dollars. But, smaller and mid-sized businesses cannot invest in these programs. But, they can invest in smaller and medium-sized technology that can help them create and operate their loyalty program.

Technology Costs

Why can't we incur technology-related costs in the second spot, as discussed in the previous paragraph? However, this doesn't pertain to companies that don't utilize any technology tool to create, design, and operate loyalty programs.

If a business uses some technology, it will have to pay for certain technological costs. As discussed in the preceding section, large and enterprise companies invest heavily in technology. Their expenses (read investment) can be pretty substantial compared to the smaller ones. Small and mid-sized enterprises should be looking to find the best technology provider to manage loyalty programs. Many loyalty solutions offer free trials to assist customers in making informed purchasing decisions.

Digital loyalty plans typically come with meager costs for setting up. Once you have paid the minimal cost for setup, you can begin your program by pressing the click of a button. If you plan to launch a digital loyalty program, you'll require the best software to run your company.

Costs Of Marketing

A Custom Loyalty App Development marketing is equally important as establishing and running it; there is more excellent. It is the process of preparing and implementing strategies to market loyalty programs, funding printing and creation of marketing materials, and spending money on advertisements and promotions. The average of companies with one loyalty program dedicate 28.2% of their marketing budgets to managing their customer loyalty program and customer relationship management.

Implementation Cost

Once you've invested in loyalty software, it is also necessary to establish the program and the associated costs, known as the implementation cost. The expense of setting up an incentive program rises in proportion to its scope, size, and difficulty level. 

You must consider the implementation costs, as they could significantly influence the overall budget. Technology costs can also significantly influence the cost of implementation—the more advanced the technology stack, the higher the implementation costs.

Customer Support Cost

Establishing and running loyalty programs is one thing, but providing the best customer service is an entirely distinct ballgame. Customer service is integral to loyalty programs, from assisting clients in onboarding them to helping clients obtain and redeem loyalty points. Suppose you decide to set up a loyalty program. In that case, it is essential to determine the kinds and types of assistance you plan to offer customers and allocate an appropriate amount of money for this. 

If you develop and operate the loyalty program in-house. In that case, you must recruit dedicated customer support personnel to handle customer service. If you contract with a provider of loyalty solutions and the service provider is responsible for customer support, they are responsible for the support costs.


The location plays an important role in the cost of loyalty programs. A company headquartered in the USA will have a different cost to develop and manage an incentive program than an organization based in another country. We'll look at the costs of loyalty programs in various nations: According to various credible sources, the median annual expense per device for mid-sized and small loyalty programs varies between $100 to $500 in the United States.

Update Or Additional Costs

Add-on costs are expenses companies incur to add capabilities or functions to their loyalty programs. Update costs are expenses that keep existing loyalty programs current. These costs apply to companies with already established loyalty programs. They cover the costs of introducing additional features or upgrading.

Best Practices To Reduce Loyalty Program Costs

Implementing and creating loyalty programs will cost money. However, reducing costs and getting the appropriate price for loyalty marketing is simple. Find out more about the benefits of

Choose The Features You Want

The average Rewards App Development has various features, but some might be less effective than others. Before deciding on a loyalty software provider, you should list out what features you would like and require in the software. This will ensure that you don't spend money on features that aren't needed.

Find The Most Suitable Loyalty Solutions Supplier

This is the most crucial action of the entire process. You'll not have difficulty locating loyalty solutions in a highly crowded marketplace. However, it's tough to identify the best one. Anything less is costly and inefficient over the long term. 

Today, many loyalty software companies are offering trials for no cost. Search the internet to find reputable companies offering free trial versions that will assist in making an educated choice.

Make a Reasonable Budget

When you've identified the required features, putting the budget for them will aid you in many ways. First, it can protect your investment from being too big in software. This will establish a higher limit beyond which you shouldn't exceed. In addition, it can keep you from the lure of discounts and offers for loyalty programs and protect you from poor-quality merchandise.

Give Relevant, Tailored Incentives To Your Clients

The kind of rewards you give your clients is a significant factor in determining the cost. Suppose you offer transactional and financial rewards over experiences or other rewards. In that case, you'll put much more money in your pockets. 

Find your customers' preferences and determine the percentage of them who value rewards other than financial ones. Then, implementing specific and appropriate reward programs for them will result in cost savings.

Make Coupons That Have a Spending Limit

To ensure that loyalty discount coupons don't eat into the margins of your business, you can create coupons with a minimal spending limit. It's worth it based on the margin of your product and price. Additionally, it would help if you started with a strict approach and gradually increased your reward levels over time. However, don't make rewards points, benefits, and other rewards challenging to get, as it could harm the loyalty program you have in place.

Tips To Avoid Common Mistakes In Developing Loyalty Programs

Below are the best practices to avoid falling into common traps as you plan a loyalty program.

  • Set up coupons with minimal spending to ensure loyalty discount coupons don't harm your profits. This amount should be determined by your business's margins and product pricing.
  • It is better to begin with a strict approach and then adjust the information afterward because customers will think it's a show of respect for you. Making points, benefits, and other rewards more challenging to access once the Loyalty App Solutions is in operation can result in resentment.
  • Engage partner brands to provide various products and services to your business. This will give them free publicity and enable you to provide pertinent and varied incentives to your clients.
  • Being openly hospitable to the top customers can be a thorn in the side. Offering high-end cash registers may cause disappointment and anger in other buyers. Yet, the most loyal customers are bound to appreciate these practices.
  • The sweepstakes can be enticing and a great way to get everyone in the contest, even though it is only necessary to award the prizes to a few winners.

In Conclusion

The benefits of loyalty programs continue beyond increasing the number of customer transactions. They can also improve other crucial retail indicators, such as the value of an average order, the value of a customer's lifetime, and the frequency of purchases. The cost of loyalty programs depends on several variables. 

Companies must carefully examine the factors that affect their program and make informed choices. Partnering with the best partnership for loyalty and using the latest technology will allow businesses to cut down on the cost of their loyalty program for the longer term. Selecting software for loyalty will have a great impact on cost-saving.